Chicken Diamond's "Shadow City": The Real Deal

Chicken Diamond's "Shadow City": The Real Deal

"Shadow City", the latest from Chicken Diamond, came out in 2023 and it's definitely something special. This band from France has always mixed blues with punk, and this album is no different, but there's something more to it.

Chicken Diamond's music has always been about mixing the old blues from Mississippi with the loud energy of punk. "Shadow City" keeps this going, but you can tell they've grown as musicians.

People who write about music really like this album. They say it's like Chicken Diamond has taken the best parts of blues and punk and made it into something fresh and exciting. One review even said it's like "taking a trip through different sounds that pay homage to where music comes from."

This album isn't just about catchy tunes; it's about telling stories. Songs like "Siren Call" and "Burning Like a Fever" have this way of making you feel like you're part of the story. It's like each song is a chapter in a book, but with guitars and drums.

What's cool about Chicken Diamond is they don't change their music just to sell more records. They've got this thing where they keep their music real, even if it means not everyone will get it. That's what makes "Shadow City" stand out.

"Shadow City" isn't just fun to listen to; it mirrors what's going on around us. It's music that makes you think about life, the good and the bad, which is pretty neat.

"Shadow City" is one of those albums that you just know is going to stick with you. It's not just music; it's a statement from Chicken Diamond about staying true to what they love.

Chicken Diamond "Burning Like a Fever" Shadow City 2023


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Around 2014, I noticed rock music starting to sound cookie-cutter, over-polished, and pop-inspired, as if it had lost its soul and become corporate and profit-driven. That led me to seek out bands with a raw, authentic rock sound, which inspired the creation of Cowboy's Juke Joint Radio.

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